Thursday, May 7, 2009

Viral Marketing is simply known as “word of mouth” advertising. Viral marketing is very effective way to introduce your new products or services generating traffic and flow business. However, they need strategic planning in order to get people’s attention and interest. Viral marketing used to happen by “word of mouth” by nowadays its spread out all around the internet. There are a lot of social media tools that you can use for viral marketing, such as: YouTube, Facebook, Hotmail, twitter, blog, etc.

Marketers used social media as their way to start their viral marketing campaign; it’s not only it’s a lot faster to reach the audience but also it can reach huge number of people on the global internet connection. Most businesses usually offer free product or service to the public that can satisfies their needs and solve their problems. The audience will come visit our website to get the product or service and we have to handle the increasing traffic in our website including our product availability.

Social Media and viral marketing are the keys to building awareness into your online marketing campaign. One of my favorite social media that I used is twitter. With twitter, we can learn what people talking about, what interest them, and also we can give people in the market about our personality and updates. The other social media that I like is LinkedIn. With Linkedin you can connect with other people by search their connection or companies that related to them; so not only you can know a lot of people but also you can market your product or service to them.

According to Tim Ferris, the author of “The Four Hour Workweek,” he says that we have to make something remarkable that get people’s attention and interest. It only took short period of time to make his book #1 New York Time and Wall Street Journal bestseller. In my opinion, viral marketing is a great way to introduce your product or service in the market and get response from them about our product or service. I will definitely used for viral marketing campaign to introduce my clothing line business to the market. As a college student not only I need to manage my expense but also need to use it wisely especially if I want to expand my business.

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