Friday, May 1, 2009

Rift Fournier

Our guest speaker for last class is Rift Fournier, a professor here at Lindenwood University. I remembered met him on campus before and he gave a compliment on how I dressed when I dressed up for my job interview in downtown St. Louis. Rift have been traveled and worked in New York, Los Angeles, Berlin, Hamburg, Barcelona, and Paris. He enjoys writing television programs and movies and met several famous people that worked together with him. He also did several movies back in the day.

He started off by telling us that we will change our mind in what major that we are in, and this is so true for me because I started as a graphic design major because I have a passion in drawing and designing products or events. My sophomore year I changed my major to advertising and media because not only I still can do drawing and
Designing but also I know how to introduce my products to the public market.

However, he loved his job and he passionate about what he do. He graduated with Psychology degree and he also improved his writing skill in law school. He encourages us to find a job that we have a passion for. I totally agree with him because if we doing something that we really like about, we will give our best performance in that job. I will graduate next year and I definitely will find a job that I have passion for. I also learned from my job experience in the past that I don’t really like, I didn’t do well in that job and it’s a struggle to go to work every day.

I really enjoyed his presence in class and learn a lot from his experience and story. He is a really fun, easy going guy, and I also like his way of presenting the message to the student. I will definitely look forward to have him as a professor next semester.

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