Thursday, February 12, 2009

Marshall who?

Marshall Mcluhan was a professor from Canada, he is considered by a lot of people to be the first father and leading prophet of the electronic age. Honestly, I didn’t know about him at all before I got this key blog assignment. However, after I read an article about him, I found out he wrote more than 12 books and hundreds of article about the media and their effects in our live, also once referred to as the “Oracle of the electronic age."

Understanding Media
One of his famous book is “Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man,” in 1964. In this book, he talks about the effects of technology that could change human behavior and their relationship with others. One thing that comes to my mind is how technology nowadays can make you really lazy and we as generation Y can’t live without it. Because not only everything nowadays is instant that didn’t require us to do hard work to accomplish something but also technology is a must in our daily live.

Global Village

Marshall Mcluhan also came up with term” Global Village”, which literally means if something happens in different country, the whole world will know about it. The media is connecting the whole world with one event that happens in one country. For example, few years ago when Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, my parents in Indonesia were the first one that telling me about it because I’m not aware about the news at that time.

The medium is the message

Back in the day, there is only one media that people get their news from, newspaper. Mcluhan preferred the print media rather than the high technology media because with print media, people can relax and absorb the news anytime they want, also give people more time in thinking about the news. In the other hand, everything that you need nowadays is on your palm of your hand; with all the smart phones we can get the news anytime and anywhere, which is not bad at all if we combined those with reading other form of media that can help you get the right message and responding the right way.

check out this video

Mcluhan died in 1980 and that’s when is the beginning of the television generations that fulfill some of his prediction. There are a lot of his opinions that become one of the hottest topics to talk about after he died because it got many people’s attention about how he thinks about the media. Most of the opinions that Marshall Mcluhan had are really important for all of us in order to become more media literate and don’t dependent on one media because there are a lot more news out there that can help you know and understand the message in the news. Don’t let the media control you and tell you what to do but you have to take control of the media and do what is right.

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