Thursday, April 16, 2009

Social Media

Social Media is a way to share our opinion or ideas to everybody that have specific common interest. Social Media nowadays has become a lot easier because there are free tools that you can use to share your interest with somebody else, for example: blogs, podcast, videos, wikis, etc.

However, one of my favorite social media is Facebook. I’m sure everybody familiar with facebook and almost everybody that I know have their facebook’s account. Even my Dad just made his Facebook’s account because all his coworkers already have one and tell him to start using facebook. With Facebook I can talk with my friends that I haven’t see for years and also to stay keep in touch with friends from different cities or countries. The other social media that have similar concepts is Myspace. Not like facebook, there are a lot of things that you can do to make your Myspace account looks different than anybody else. A lot of people use myspace as their media to promote their businesses, for example: music, clothing line, accessories, etc.

Blog is one of social media that could help you share your opinion, ideas, and products with others. I didn’t anything about Blog before but in this class I learned a lot more about blog and how it can help your career in advertising industries. There are more than 9 million blogs out there with new ones popping up every day. With blog you can post your favorite article, picture, video and talk about the things that you really interested with, also Blog is a really good tool to presents your portfolio online so that Employer can see your experience and capability before they hire you as their employee.

Youtube is become phenomenon in social media because how easy to work this tool and it’s free. All you have to do is upload your favorite video online from your computer and everybody all around the world can see that video. There are a lot of people get really famous because their videos on youtube. With youtube, I can watch my favorite TV show back home because somebody upload recorded video of that show on tape.

Twitter is another free social media that allows you to post your status and share it with others. I’m not a big fan of twitter because I think I don’t need to know or care what other people doing and vice versa. However, I just make my twitter account couple weeks ago to learn on how this media works. From what I learned, people have to follow other people’s account to see their status updated and some people that you follow will eventually follow you to see your updates.

All these free tools make Social Media a lot easier and faster. as part of generation Y, it helps me a lot to shared my ideas with people that have same interest with me, and also we like to get connected with our friends all the time.

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