Thursday, March 5, 2009


Technology is growing so fast nowadays, everything become so fast and easy with technology. One of the technologies that some photographers used is Photo-retouching. Photo-retouching is often used for entertainment purposes, for instance magazines and red carpet photo shoot.

It allows them to either make the picture look better or worse. I remember that I watched “Killing Us Softly” video last semester in media literacy class. In that video, Jean Kilbourne showed that in Esquire magazine, they used different parts of several women’s body to establish an ideal woman in that magazine. So it’s impossible for everybody to get that perfect look in the magazine.

Some people do photo-retouching for selling whatever product that they trying to sell, for example Proactiv acne cleanser. They often used celebrity that have pimples before using Proactiv and after using that product they looked flawless, but their picture probably has been retouched. Photo-retouching could bring either good or bad effects, depends on how audience receive that message.

It could be bad for teenagers that start looking for role models in their lives, because they usually look on celebrity that have perfect body weight, tall, and good looking faces. But the celebrities were not like that in a real life, one of the reasons they look perfect on magazines or internet is because photo-retouching. Some teenagers trying so hard to be like them, but most of the time they ended up with anorexic and bulimic.
check out this video

It also reminds me to story that me and my brother have two years ago. We try to look for cars on, and we found one car that we like. In that picture the car looks like brand new, so we went up there with my friends to see it but as soon as I got out from the car, I’m surprised because I looked to totally different car from the picture on that website, so we ended up not buying that car.

In the other hand, Photo-retouching is good for people that want to save their memorable picture from back in the day with family, friends, etc. most of the old pictures that we have were often losing their color or got wrinkled, but Photo-retouching professional can make those picture like brand new again. Moreover, I used to be graphic design major and I used photo-retouching software to make my art project. You can do a lot of things to make your pictures becomes an art masterpiece.

It all depends on how you used that new technology itself. Some people will try to do anything to get success and sometimes they choose the quick ways that often get them in trouble. But if you put your hard work in it, you will get success in all aspects.

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